Superannuation investors are more likely to put any extra money they have into property rather than superannuation, a new study conducted by the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees has found.
According to the survey, approximately 43.6% of superannuation investors would buy an investment property, while only 22.4% would put more money into their super fund.
The survey also found that women were more likely to go for property, while men were much more likely to invest directly in the sharemarket. Only one-third of the consumers surveyed said they were satisfied with their super fund’s investment performance.
If you are thinking of setting up a self managed super fund (SMSF), speak to one of the financial planners at Intellichoice on +61 7 3624 1900 for more information and to find out whether a SMSF is right for you. Intellichoice can also help you buy property through your self managed super fund with a SMSF home loan.