While you are travelling overseas, it is even more important to make your money go as far as possible. You do not want to face a huge credit card bill when you return from your overseas adventure, but you also do not want to miss out on once-in-a-lifetime opportunities while you are away. We have provided some tips on how to make your dollar go further while abroad.
Staying in touch
Use email to keep in contact with family and friends. Internet cafés (including laundries and libraries) can be found everywhere. Using "global roaming" on your mobile phone can be expensive. Alternatively use International Calling cards so you can control how much you spend
Get plugged in
If you are taking your mobile phone, laptop, razor or hairdryer, you will need an adaptor – buy one before you leave home as they will be cheaper here and will save you the time of finding a shop that supplies one when you reach your destination.
Banking from far away
ATMs are plentiful overseas but be wary of the transaction costs the overseas banks will charge. Use Internet banking if you need to check your account and move money about.
Online bookings
Finding well-priced accommodation is also quite easy in many major foreign cities using discounted travel websites.
Check local bargains
Often there are significant price differences between home and overseas. For instance, a camera may be cheaper in Italy but a haircut is a lot more expensive.
Take the bus/tram/train/subway
Do not try to drive and park in major cities. If you think driving into Australian cities is difficult and expensive, you should try Europe. The best plan is to drive to the outskirts of the city, park and catch public transport. It will also be an experience for you to try public transport when overseas and you will be able to take in the sights without the stress of having to navigate around a strange city.
Eat where the locals do
Many prominent eateries are tourist traps. Take a stroll up the back streets and you can often find excellent food at a fraction of the price.
You never know - if you save money as you go, you could afford to extend your holiday for another few days, or even weeks!