Turning your financial goals into new year resolutions increases the chances of success by up to ten times according to new research from the United States.
The US researchers found that almost half of the people who turned their plans and goals into a new year’s resolution had reached their goal or were still on track with it six months later. Less than five per cent of people who had goals for the year but did not make them into a specific resolution were still on track with their plan.
However, experts warn that the resolutions must be very specific to bring any worthwhile benefit. It won’t work to simply resolve to “cut back on debt” for example.
Popular new year resolutions include saving money – experts suggest setting up an automatic savings plan with direct debits – and paying off debts – experst recommend paying the high interest credit cards off first.
For more information or help on savings plans, budgeting, debt management or consolidating debts, speak to one of the financial advisors at Intellichoice today.